Wednesday, April 17, 2013

This is the Blue Ridge Community Church general internship outline. All BRCC internships are molded around these basic principles

5 Core Experiences
In the context of a holistic discipleship relationship, the supervisor will develop character in the intern with the following areas:

The intern will be encouraged to seek and build healthy relationships with leaders,  elders, supervisors, co- workers, volunteers, guests, friends, family and outside connections & service providers. The intern will also grow through a mentoring relationship with his or her supervisor in the context of a weekly coaching meeting.

The intern will be challenged to grow in a relationship with God.  Especially through personal worship, prayer and careful Bible Study.

The intern will receive meaningful, hands-on experience both to develop his or her skills and to add value to BRCC. The intern will develop a mission-mobilizer web and (with other interns) be accountable to the supervisor to build an intentional mindset and behavior for Acts 17:26-style outreach.  The supervisor will develop at least 2 major projects for the intern to complete for the internship, and will coach him or her throughout the duration of the projects.

The intern will mature in his or her understanding of discipleship, leadership, preaching/ teaching, marriage-and-family, non-profit work, college ministry, fundraising and spiritual formation. The intern will read a small selection of books and will dialogue with other interns and his or her supervisor about the content of the materials read.

The intern will be expected to pursue and maintain a healthy lifestyle of personal rest and overall wellness.