Saturday, August 24, 2013

Recently, it has occurred to me through the help of a friend that the total amount of my budget $41,450.40 will be challenging for some to condone when considering whether or not to support me. If this is you, or if you are in question as to why I have chosen to place what is included on my budget; on by budget. I would like to offer you a short explanation,

This in no way exhausts my thoughts on finances and the practicalities of ministry but it is an attempt to share some of them.

Neither I nor BRCC believe in a prosperity gospel as being God's word. Jesus never preached comfort and wealth as being a result of salvation. But he did preach diligence, wisdom, and the value of preparation. Paul, during his ministry, had times of abundance and times of great need, times of working to support himself and times of being supported by the church.

With my budget I have been very honest about my needs and desires, some of which are more expensive than others. But as you read through it should become clear that I am not purchasing many things for myself in the way of luxury, or selfish living. The money raised which funds my internship can be summed up in this statement. "I intend to do and am currently doing the very best with what i have financially. However after careful consideration I have concluded that the best I could possibly do would cost $41,450.40." I know its a lot!

I currently support myself and have had many financial challenges over the course of my life. You may be surprised to learn that I never owned a car until last march, so a highly endowed lifestyle isn't my goal, nor has it been my reality. Thankfully, I currently have most of the things are needed to live. In my case, it was always costly for others to sacrifice their time, money, and schedule in order to give me a ride. I was literally hitching a ride to a 40 hr/wk job this time last year, and my schedule was built completely on when others could pick me up and drop me off. This was a case in which my ill equipping financially left me to be taken care of by those kind enough to do so. If possible I would like to avoid experiences like this in the future, by wisely handling my finances. In other words this has instilled in me a value for planning. It is my responsibility to provide for myself and my future household. I simply want good things financially, but not apart from righteousness.  

Below is a short list of thoughts/items that you may struggle to find on my budget

Ipad: It isn't necessary, but my computer is 6 years old and very outdated. There are several feature on it that no longer work. Instead of venturing to buy a new one I've settled for a tablet, its half the price and I can do almost everything I will need to do for my internship on it as well.

Savings and Tithe: I consider saving in an IRA wise (Pr 13:22, and 21:20), as I do tithing. Both are a current part of my monthly expenses even with my very limited income. Almost anyone who fundraises for their primary income will teach the importance of saving. It is widely accepted amongst these who fundraise that not saving for the future is a great mistake. 
Ministry Expenses: Being a pastoral assistant is my job for the next year of my life, and I can't tell you how much it means to me to be working in ministry at age 23. Like any other job, the things you do costs money. For most jobs these things are provided by the business they work for. For my internship, this is not the case. By large whatever I do/need must be raised by myself.

Working Part-time: I have a part time job, but only make about $6.00/hr after taxes. I do not mind working elsewhere to support myself, but I do mind that it subtracts from my ability to give to this ministry. For now I work 6-7 hrs a day 5 days a week and then transition to about 6-7 more for my internship in the afternoon/evening. In many ways this commute is a great joy, because their is joy in working hard. Consequently the 14 hour work day does not bother me much. What does bother me is that I know more could be given on my part if I could serve God's people, eat, live, buy gas, etc... without working part time 5 days a week.

Scripture teachs us about "the love of money" (1 Tim 6:10) being "the root of all kinds of evil." I don't love money, nor do I want to waste my supporters money so I chose to be very open regarding my intentions. Yes I regularly tithe 10%, I saw no reason to change that, I have no insurance I saw no reason why I shouldn't, I regularly save (though it is little), I plan to go to Seminary, send my kids to College, give gifts at Christmas, accompany my church on a Spring Break mission trip etc... Some of these are normal things, Some uncommon, and a couple are unusual for men our age to concern themselves with. 

A basic break down of my budget will reveal the following. Out of $41,450.40 a total of $10,328 (fundraising, and ministry expenses) are not being spent on pleasure, but on enhancing my ability to impact and serve BRCC and Cullowhee, in addition to growing during this internship. Taxes account for $6,923. Tithing is $4,145, really thats my choice, but its because I want to support BRCC financially. In fact many missions organizations require their missionaries tithe a percentage of their raised support. My savings $13,796 aren't really being spent on myself at the moment, and some never will be. As you saw a portion will go to my future children, some to a retirement account, I have even diligently decided to prepare for a time when I have no income (emergency expenses). I know that this is not foolishness, and that it is wise to seek provision both for oneself and one's family. I am living off of $12,944 + $2,827 needed for health and car insurance, together this totals $15,771 that I literally plan to spend on myself this year. I don't think that is extreme, and I could have left my budget at that amount. In fact some would have chose to. I did not, because I do not regard my work in this ministry to be worth so little that I could not afford to save, or tithe, or bring money to my internship in order that God and his work in BRCC and on this campus might be more abundantly blessed.

In conclusion please know that I spent a lot of time considering the very best internship I could foresee. I asked myself and God what it would cost, and what was really worth pursuing financially? Then I added it together and ended up with $41,450.40. It does not include dumb luxuries like a big TV or a jungle gym. If you are willing please look back at my budget and consider this.  That for me to take such diligent efforts in preparing a functional financially secure budget, raise it, and bring it with me into my internship is a great blessing to everyone I serve. I would have plenty to share in the way of time and money. Money is money, and really its not fun :) but we have to have it in order to live. 

Thanks, I hope this helped with some of your concerns. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hey everyone, over the course of my internship I will be reading several books for personal growth. These books are not of my choosing, but are an intentional part of my internship, they are assigned to me by Pastor Darryl Handy. Since a portion of this internship is geared towards my personal growth, Darryl has composed a reading list on various topics that he believes will be of particular benefit to me. I will be composing short summaries of each chapter as I read them. I hope this will be encouraging to you a part of my ministry to you. Thank you for your financial and prayerful support of my internship. Thank you. 

Unleashing The Word
By Max McLean

     Unleashing the word is about the public reading of scripture. In 1 Timothy 4:13 we find that the public reading of scripture is held with equal importance as Paul commands Timothy to devote himself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching, and to teaching. McLean neatly lays out the various components of reading scripture in todays church. McLean prioritizes helping his readers to discover whether they should pursue this role in the Church, and if so, how to go about preparing oneself to fulfill it in a way that brings honor to God's word. 

     A short note on my exposure to this book. I had already selected this text for my summer reading list in order to expose myself to a strength which I do not find myself naturally exhibiting, that strength being dramatic vocalization. I was happy to find it on my reading list and have chosen to kick start my book reports for this internship with this one. I hope to learn from this book and apply the techniques offered in it to the public reading of Scripture in Blue Ridge Community Church. 

Unleashing The Word
By Max McLean
Part 1: My Story
Chapter 1: How I Got Started Reading Scripture Aloud
     McLean begins by diving deep into his past. As a young man he describes himself as having "had a strong desire to express himself." Seeing the dramatic arts as a means to this end he pursued acting in college. Shortly after graduating he became a Christian. Upon conversion he more than ever was excited for his future in the dramatical arts. After completing his post graduate degree in theater he moved to New Your where he met and married his wife. Newly married and preforming in a region theater he began seriously considering his life as an actor. Contemplating his career and its unfulfilling role in his life he quit acting. McLean recalls "While I was struggling through this dissatisfaction with my work, God was calling me to experience more of him. He was teaching me that "no one can serve two masters" (Matthew 6:24). Leaving the theater was hard for him and it left a void in his life, after all, actin was his passion. He began to get more involved with his church exposing him to many excellent and convicting speakers. At this time Mclean was still a new Christian and the Lord was planting in his heart a taste for dramatic vocal expressions such as the public read of Scripture. Eventually he was invited to read a short passage 2 Peter 3:10-15. Since Max wanted to do well with the reading he rehearsed it carefully, meditating on it in order to hear what the Lord was saying to him. He felt that it was a great honor to have been asked to read this passage. During this reading Max noticed an unusual attentiveness amongst the congregation. After the service he was approached by many who expressed their gratitude for his reading. It was this gratitude that sparked a fire in Max to seriously pursue speaking Gods Word's with the training he had received in the dramatic arts. Max's work since then as a voice actor has led him to produce many recordings ranging from multiple Bible translations to literature written by theological giants. At the time that this book was written, he had most recently produced a stage adaptation to C. S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters."

Unleashing The Word
By Max McLean
Part 1: My Story
Chapter 2: Recruiting Others Who Love The Game

     Here Max begins detailing the role of any public reader of Scripture, communicating that not one should not simply feel obligated to pursue this role in the church but to love doing it. He depicts great readers of Scripture as being those who have both a "love of the game" and a gift for speaking publicly. He points out that one who is reading the Scriptures publicly has a great responsibility and opportunity to bless listeners with hearing God's Word with every detail and emotion intertwined with each passage. Max goes on to communicate that one's personality and self should be poured into and out of each reading. People should be seeing you in light of God's word. His over arching point to this chapter is that it is a great mistake to simply read any passage of Scripture to a congregation, and that God's Word deserve so much more than a bland and emotionless representation. He encourages those who are considering this role to carefully evaluate their personal dedication to doing justice to the public reading of Scripture, by incorporating intentionality, diligence, and resourcefulness. 

Unleashing The Word
By Max McLean
Part 1: My Story
Chapter 3: No Longer The Worst Moment

     "A normal person makes a decision about where to turn attention about 100,000 times a day. The brain is always drawn to something. This raises the question of how to make sure that when the Bible is read, that's what people are giving their attention to!" With this quote Max really hit the nail on the head. How does one as a reader do their very best to attract the undivided attention of those who are listening. In chapter 3 Max describes the pain of listening to a bland reading of the Scriptures. He comments that for many church's this is the norm, and that it matters whether or not God's word is simply stuck here or there with out much thought. Here is another excerpt from this chapter that really speaks to this issue. "John 4:23-24 tells us that the "kind of worshipers the Father seeks" are those who worship him "in spirit and truth." When I hear the Scriptures read intelligently, energetically, convincingly, and passionately, even the most familiar and shop worn texts draw me to a place where I can worship God in spirit and truth."

Unleashing The Word
By Max McLean
Part 1: My Story
Chapter 4: The 9 Percent Isolation Factor
     "The Message of this Chapter can be summed up in one sentence: if 90 percent of effective Scripture reading comes from selecting gifted, trained, committed readers who "love the game" (chapters 2 and 3), another 9 percent of the unleashing process comes from isolation --- making Scripture reading a separate element of the worship experience. By isolating the moment the Scripture is read, we enhance its power." I agree with Max that this chapter is all about the need to isolate the reading of Scripture as a complete portion of the service in and of itself. His point is that in doing this you draw special attention to the reading giving it the attention that is due. This is done in part by setting aside a planned moment in each service for that reading, and by avoiding the norm of blending the public reading into other naturally emotional moments in a service such as worship. The reading of Scripture in its natural form is already both emotional and complete. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First day on Campus

Wow, God has been moving. Today started out early 6:00 AM, as I headed to work from 7-2. My car has been leaking coolant so I've had to pay close attention to it during my commutes, I'll get it checked out tomorrow. As I left work I went by Staples on an errand for the Church, my first official one! On the way home I listened to Center Church by Timothy Keller. I had almost finished this book, but am rereading it as a requirement for my internship. Both Josh (first intern at BRCC) and I are reading it together with Darryl (our pastor). The book is primarily about culturally adapting theology, so that people can grow in one's ministry. Having read most of it already, I am very excited to officially go over it again in my internship.

Once home I grabbed a change of clothes, ironed my shirt, and headed for campus. I met my roommate Austin for a workout only to discover that we were rained out. We decided last minute to head to the old gym on campus (Reid Gym, built in the 19 somethings) where we could hang gymnastic rings and use the tumbling mats that the cheerleading team practices on. Close to the time we arrived I saw an old professor and shared that I had used her budget outline from an entrepreneurship required Parks and Rec Management. She responded with excitement, congratulated me and then invited me to come speak to her current class about my practical application of the class material. I was really honored to be invited to do this. That particular professor was very receptive to my calling into ministry once I finished my degree. Not all professors were.

By this time It was 4 o'clock, knowing that the cheerleading squad practices at 5 we started our warm up and WOD (Workout of the Day). Towards the end of the workout cheerleaders began poring into the gym . We moved our things out of their way relocating to finish. A couple of guys passing buy noticed that we were doing a crossfit (current fitness trend) styled workout. Expressing extreme intrest they asked if they could join us in the future. We were happy to meet them and exchanged numbers. I was excited about this because its a chance to meet new students and share Christ through a mutual interest. Continuing with our work out, for the second time a few guys and girls on the cheer squad noticed what we were doing (a combination of two different calisthenic movements: The burpee lateral jump and ring muscle ups). What happened next was truly unexpected.

The coach came over to me introduced her self and asked about our work out. I gave a short answer and commented that the squad would benefit from this particular type of conditioning. She responded by inviting me to come one evening and share what I knew with the squad. She said that she likes to incorporate new things into their training! I was shocked, laughing slightly I shared that I wasn't a professional nor did I have a personal training certification, but that I have spent a lot of personal time studying sports science, and familiarizing myself with up to date research. She persisted in asking if I would be willing to share with the team. I gave her my business card and told her about my internship. We agreed to talk over email and arrange a time for me to share. I have already emailed her and can't wait for a reply. Many, many times I have given my workouts to God and asked that He take my interest in fitness and be glorified with it, today was a breakthrough in the answering of that prayer. I see this as a fun opportunity to integrate myself in the lives of the students via a non spiritual arena.

After cleaning up and changing I headed to starbucks on campus where I started on my days tasks. These were mostly organizational and communication related things, but I did started off with some reading. Later I saw sitting behind me a couple of people who had also been in the gym earlier. I introduced myself and we began talking. It turns out that both of them one guy and one girl are pole vaulters for Westerns Track team. We talked about sport physiology and various approaches to training.  The guy and I hit it off pretty well. We plan to meet up and exchange knowledge about training over a workout middle of next week. Again, I see the Lord moving here in a very practical way. He is simply using me, which is very cool. Its very exciting to see Him incorporate one of my favorite things into my ministry on this campus.

Tomorrow I get to spend the entire day on campus, I hope He continues to use me like He did today, its extremely refreshing!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

BRCC Pastoral Assistant/Intern Budget for 2013-2014

BRCC Internship Start-Up Budget
July 31, 2013 - July 31, 2013
Cost per year
10% yearly salary to Blue Ridge Community Church
Emergency funds
3 months living expenses
Vehicle Repairs
2% yearly salary
Roth IRA
10% yearly salary
Siminary fund
2% yearly salary
Children College fund
2% yearly salary
1% yearly salary
BRCC's Tax Servicer
Tax Agency
Vehicle Tax on 2001 Honda Civic
6,266 x .002097
15.3% of $56,000.70 (total earnings before taxes)
11% of $56,000.70 (total earnings before taxes) + $870
6% of $56,000.70 (total earnings before taxes) + $765
3% of $56,000.70 (total earnings before taxes)
$124.47 x 12 months = $1,493.64
Housing @ $200.00 per month for 12 months
$2.50 b-fast @ home 5dpw + $5.50 b-fast out 2dpw x 52 weeks
$6.00 lunchbox 5 dpw + 8.50 lunch out 2dpw x 52 weeks
$4.50 dinner @ home 2dpw + $10.00 dinner out 5dpw x 52 weeks
$1.00 Coffee out + $2.00 snack 7dpw x 52 weeks
$90 vitamine 1 year + $442 protein +  $160 pre +  $140 post =
hair cuts, dental care, cleanlieness, soap, shampoo etc…
Household necessities
vacum bags, clorox, cleaning suplies, paper towels etc…
Obtaining life necessities and driving to work
Ministry Expenses
Passion 2014
Ticket $120, Hotel &50, Food $60, Gas $40
Church Mission Trip
Spring break church mission trip
Asheville $15 per trip x 52 weeks = $780 and unforseen gas expenses $1,220
Campus ministries event nights
Funds for bringing campus ministry leaders together for community
Outreach evenings
Funds for bringing community members into my home
Apple Tablet
Ipad $499, Apps $50, Accessories (Key board and Case) $200
Additional Resources
Unforseen expenses
Doner support dinners, Spring
Groceries for 4 support dinners 12 people each
Doner support dinners, Summer
Groceries for 3 support dinners 12 people each
Church Donor Meetings
Waynesville Gas
$6 per trip x 7 trips = $42 + $1 per church for 20 churches = $62
Waynesville Food
($8 per meal x 2 meals per day x 6 days) + ($4 coffee x 6 days) = $120
Cashiers Gas
$9 per trip x 3 trips = $27 + $1 per church for 9 churches = $36
Cashiers Food
($8 per meal x 2 meals per day x 3 days) + ($4 coffe x 3 days) = $60
Highlands Gas
$9.50 per trip x 3 trips = $28.50 + $1 per church for 9 churches = $37.50
Highlands Food
($8 per meal x 2 meals per day x 3 days) + ($4 coffee x 3 days) = $60
Asheville Gas
$12 per trip x 10 tips = $120 + $2 per church for 30 churches = $180
Asheville Food
($9 per meal x 3 meals per day x 10 days) + ($4 coffee x 10 days) = $310
Rocky Mount Gas
($120 per trip x 1 trip) + ($1 per church x 10 churches) + ($20 additional driving) = $159
Rocky Mount Food
($9 per meal x 3 meals per day x 7 days) + ($4 coffee x 5 days) = $310
Villages Gas
($107 per trip x 1 trip) + ($1 per church x 20 churches) + ($20 additional driving) = $167
Villages Food
($9 per meal x 2 meals per day x 7 days) + ($4 coffee x 7 days) = $310
Personal Donor Mettings
Personal Donor Meeting Gas
$3 per person x 141 people = $423
Personal Donor Meeting Food
$9 per meal x 2 meals per day x 36 days = $648
Summary of Living Expenses
Summary of Tax Deductions
Ministry Expenses
These things are not taxed due to the fact that they are either work related expenses, giving related, or being placed in a retirement fund.
Fundraising Expenses
Roth IRA
Summary of Tax
Total of Expenses
Taxable Income